Analog — March 2013

Analog, March 2013

“Instinctive Response” by Bond Elam

“The Radioactive Etiquette Book” by Marissa Lingen
“The Firewall and the Door” by Sean McMullen
“It’s the End of the World as We Know it, and We Feel Fine” by Harry Turtledove
“The Paragon of Animals” by Andrew Barton
“High Concept” by Barry Malzberg and Bill Pronzini
“The Snack” by Bud Sparhawk

Tangent Online 2012 Recommended Reading List

Tangent Online 2012 Recommended Reading List

altAs with previous years, this list is not meant as comprehensive, there being several items we were not able to acquire and there are always the few stray stories published in non-traditional venues which we did not see. As was the case last year we narrowed our focus (with rare exception) to those stories published in professionally paying markets as defined by SFWA (5c/wd.).

As is our custom, there are four sections to each length category. Those making the list in the short story, novelette, and novella lengths but having no stars, and those with either one, two, or three stars, according to how well the reviewer or reviewers valued a particular story. Quite often you will see more than a single reviewer’s initials following a given entry. We have placed the story in the category receiving the most stars. Thus, it is possible that while one reviewer merely placed a story on the list without any stars, another also placed it on the list but with one or more stars, thus elevating that story to the higher ranking. Where there are more than one reviewer’s initials following a story recommendation, they appear in no particular order.


Tangent Online Recommended Reading List 2010


If my count is correct, there are almost 190 short stories, novellas and novelettes in the following list, not including those in Dave’s afterword. In spite of the fact that Tangent Online comprises more than a dozen regular reviewers and a number of occasional ones, that’s a pretty impressive reading list. And these are only the ones we recommend—for every story you see on this list, there are at least four others that didn’t make the cut. This is up from 170-plus in last year’s list.



Analog, Jan./Feb. 2011

“Some of Them Closer” by Marissa Lingen
“The First Conquest of Earth” by David W. Goldman
“Multivac’s Singularity” by Richard A. Lovett
“Out There” by Norman Spinard
“A Snitch in Time” by Donald Moffitt
“Non-Native Species” by Janet Freeman
“The Frog Prince” by Michael F. Flynn
“Stay” by Stephen L. Burns
“The Unfinished Man” by Dave Creek
“Enigma” by Sean McMullen
“At Cross Purposes” by Juliete Wade
“The First Day of Eternity” by Domingo Santos (as translated by Stanley Schmidt)

Reviewed by Richard E. D. Jones


On Spec #79 — Winter 2009/2010

“Orchids” by Christopher Johnstone
“Carter Hall Judges the Lines” by Marissa Lingen
“Commonplace Sacrifices” by L.L. Hannett
“For Simple Coin” by Fraser Ronald
“The Meditation Machine” by Jamie Mason
“The Deer’s Thorn” by Esther Rochon (translated by Jean-Louis Trudel)
“Perfect Day” by Chris Wroblewski