Analog — September 2014

Analog, September, 2014

Championship B’tok” by Edward M. Lerner
Plastic Thingy” by Mark Niemann-Ross
Beneath the Ice of Enceladus” by James C. Glass
Release” by Jacob A. Boyd
Vladimir Chong Chooses to Die” by Lavie Tidhar
Artifice” by Naomi Kritzer
Calm” by Alec Austin & Marissa Lingen

Special Review: Lightspeed #49, June 2014

Tangent Online Special Review:

Lightspeed #49, June 2014

Special “Women Destroy Science Fiction” Issue


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[Editor’s note: Learning of Lightspeed editor John Joseph Adams’ desire to publish this special issue, I decided it would be appropriate to publish a special review. Below you will find reviews, or commentary, of Guest Editor Christie Yant’s editorial, the fiction, non-fiction, and personal essays included in the June 2014 issue of Lightspeed. We have not reviewed the numerous pieces of flash fiction, the reprints, or the novel excerpt. At present, Tangent Online has a staff of 18, 8 females and 10 males–not counting myself. All were given the opportunity to participate; some did and some could not due to their schedules, various personal obligations–family or work–or other pressing review obligations.]


Asimov’s — February 2014

Asimov’s, February, 2014

“Schools of Clay” by Derek Künsken
“The Long Happy Death of Oxford Brown” by Jason K. Chapman
“Ball and Chain” by Maggie Shen King
Steppin’ Razor” by Maurice Broaddus
Last Day at the Ice Man Café” by M. Bennardo
The Transdimensional Horsemaster Rabbis of Mpumalanga Province” by Sarah Pinsker
“Ask Citizen Etiquette” by Marissa Lingen

Analog — October 2013

Analog, October 2013

Lune Bleue” by Janet Catherine Johnston
Sixteen Million Leagues from Versailles” by Allen M. Steele
Following Jules” by Ron Collins
Putting Down Roots” by Stephen R. Wilk
Things We Have in This House for No Reason” by Marissa Lingen
At the Peephole Palace” by William R. Eakin
Conscientious Objectors” by Jay Werkheiser
Fear of Heights in the Tower of Babel” by Carl Frederick

Analog — July/August 2013

Analog, July/August 2013

“Cronus and the Ships” by Seth Dickenson
“Thaw” by Arlan Andrews, Sr.
“The Negative Impact of Climate Change on the Unusual Beasts of the World” by  Jamie Todd Rubin
“Not With a Bang” by Rosemary Claire Smith
“Other People’s Avatars” by Howard V. Hendrix
“Ready, Set” by Mary Lou Klecha
“Milk Run” by Alec Austin & Marissa Lingen
“Tethered” by Haris A. Durrani
“The Chaplain’s Legacy” by Brad R. Torgersen
“A Quiet Little Town in Northern Minnesota” by K. C. Ball
“Love” by Rick Norwood
“Crep d’Etoile” by Bud Sparhawk