Strange Horizons, February 9, 2004

Note: This post was imported from an old content-management system, so please excuse any inconsistencies in formatting.

"A Season in Silence" by Jennifer de Guzman  "A Season in Silence", Jennifer de Guzman's latest story up at Strange Horizons is an intriguing tale based on one of the Greek myths. It's not so much a retelling, however, as a positing of a plausible current future for the main character.

Still, no matter how you define it, de Guzman's writing is clear, the prose nicely evocative with images that illuminate the story and allow the reader to connect with the original despite the temporal jump. I thoroughly enjoyed her skillful use of present tense and the tension she created. Even as de Guzman's character achieves enlightenment, so, too, did I. The resolution, while not unexpected, certainly provided me with a strong sense of the unidentified characters' personalities and the dynamics that bind them.

Curious? I refuse to spoil this tale by providing any of the insights for you, so I'm afraid you will just have to read it yourself.
