The Wasp Child by Rhiannon Rasmussen

The Wasp Child


Rhiannon Rasmussen

(Vernacular Books, June 2022, pb, 100 pp.)

Reviewed by Victoria Silverwolf

“The Wasp Child” by Rhiannon Rasmussen takes place on a planet settled by human researchers. Bullies leave the young protagonist stranded in the wilderness, expecting him to die. Instead, with the help of large, insectoid aliens, he survives and returns to the human settlement.

In a major plot twist, the boy discovers that he is not entirely human, and begins changing in frightening ways. With the help of his only friend, he escapes an unpleasant fate and discovers a new place to live.

This novella is written in simple language. In combination with its youthful protagonist, it seems best suited for younger readers. (However, sensitive children may find certain visceral descriptions disturbing.) The plot twist mentioned above is revealed very suddenly, and changes a story of survival into something quite different. Some readers are likely to find the transition jarring.

Victoria Silverwolf went to the dentist and the ophthalmologist today.