X Minus One aired Frederic Brown’s “Honeymoon in Hell” on December 26, 1956. The story first saw print in the November 1950 issue of Galaxy, and begins with the Western and Eastern alliances heading into an all out apocalyptic war. But will it be a devastating world war that will annihilate mankind, or something hidden and more sinister from space? Listen to learn the unexpected answer to mankind’s survival in one of Brown’s most famous stories.
Also appearing in this all-star issue of Galaxy are: Isaac Asimov’s “Misbegotten Missionary,” Anthony Boucher’s “Transfer Point,” Fritz Leiber’s “Coming Attraction,” Damon Knight’s “To Serve Man,” and the second installment of Clifford D. Simak’s Time Quarry (retitled in book form as Time and Again).
Play Time: 30:18
{After the kids were tired of playing with their toys the day after Christmas 1956 and had listened to the above X Minus One episode, they knew they still had their favorite reading material waiting in their rooms, a few examples of which are pictured below.}
[Left: Amazing, Dec. 1956 — Center: Astounding, Dec. 1956 — Right: F&SF, Dec. 1956]