Strange Horizons, November 7th, 2016
“A Spell to Retrieve Your Lover from the Bottom of the Sea” by Ada Hoffman
Reviewed by Benjamin Wheeler
This short story begins by describing the preparations and the summoning of the favored gods you would serve. You kick down into the depths to find your lover, and set about to free him. The story even describes his reactions to you, and the troubles you may face. However, you may not be successful in summoning him forth.
The story also describes the techniques you will have to use to be successful. While ‘you’ are the main character, the author is good enough to leave room open for your emotions, while convincing you of how you will act. This second-person point of view is a tricky auctorial technique, and one I am not fond of. That said, I did appreciate the second ending the author revealed that might happen due to ‘your’ actions. With the active language, great descriptions and melancholy you could cut with a butter knife, this story really cinches what the author tries to accomplish.