Flash Fiction Online #17, February 2015
Reviewed by Michelle Ristuccia
In “Duplicate” by Crystal Lynn Hilbert, a clone must take the witness stand against the criminal who brought her into existence using his magic. This first-person piece purposely leaves a lot of questions unanswered as the protagonist attempts to delude and elude authorities, scientists, and curious citizens who want to penetrate the twin mysteries of the crime and of her creation. Compelling narration makes for an entertaining read.
“Gold Dress, No Eyes” by Alexis A. Hunter fondly describes the corpse of a young woman on a dead space ship, exploring the clues to her lost life as a soldier’s lover. This macabre piece is about love and loss as part of the human condition, and about death as freedom.
Michelle Ristuccia enjoys slowing down time in the middle of the night to read and review speculative fiction, because sleeping offspring are the best inspiration and motivation. You can find out more about her other writing projects and geeky obsessions by visiting her blog.