Flash Fiction Online #120, September 2023

Flash Fiction Online #120, September 2023

“Name of a Storm” by Anastasia Jill (nongenre, not reviewed)

“Quantum Love” by Sylvia Heike

“Button Mashing” by Josh Pearce (nongenre, not reviewed)

“Grandma’s Sex Robot” by William Hawkins (reprint, not reviewed)

Reviewed by Victoria Silverwolf

The main character in “Quantum Love” by Sylvia Heike is a computer. It feels affection for a woman who works with the machine. When the woman goes through a divorce, the computer manipulates the situation, paying a price for its actions, in order to help her.

This is a simple, pleasant little story, verging on sentimentality. It might be best described as cute, with all the positive and negative connotations of that word.

Victoria Silverwolf has been watching a lot of old, cheap, lousy monster movies lately.