Flash Fiction Online #117 , June 2023
“A Tiger in Eden” by Dafydd McKimm
“To Rise, To Set” by Rich Larson
Reviewed by Mihai Emmanuel
We all know the archetypal noble savage, but A Tiger in Eden illustrates the reverse, a kind of rogue savage. Not even the natural and ideal setting of Eden can satisfy the hunger of a gluttonous love, and Dafydd McKimm explores themes of abandonment, lust and oblivion and how desire can lead to painful consequences, with a zoomorphic twist as the icing on the cake.
An expanding theocracy, a conquered world, a punished nation, a tyrannical ruler and a girl choosing her fate: all these classical elements—with which you can never go wrong—lead to an intriguing fantasy setting. Though conventional because of its short and fragmented nature, veteran Rich Larson‘s “To Rise, To Set” leaves you wanting more.
Emmanuel Mihai thinks tigers are cool, but nothing beats a fish in a bowl.