Tangent currently reviews the following bi-annual publications, both electronic and print.

  • Albedo One

    Albedo One is an Irish science fiction and horror magazine published 2 to 3 times a year. Subscriptions are for 4 issues.

    It's website is here.

  • Aliterate

    Aliterate debuted its first bi-annual issue in the Fall of 2016. It is a pro-paying (6 cents per word) SF and related genres magazine. Its mandate:  "Aliterate Magazine brings you the best in new science fiction, fantasy, horror and more. We focus on literary genre fiction: short stories that care for prose and plotting in equal measures."

    Editor(s):  Brendan Hickey, Emilio T. Jasso, Joshua L. Pevner

    Website:  https://www.aliterate.org/index.html


  • Aurealis
  • Black Gate

    Black Gate: Adventures in Fantasy Literature emphasizes heroic fantasy, adventure fantasy, sword & sorcery, and those fantasy tales focusing on strong characters and storylines.The publisher and editor is John O'Neill. Formerly a quarterly publication, Black Gate is now bi-annual.


    ***As of September 30, 2012 Black Gate switched to an electronic format, posting one new piece of original fiction each Sunday.  Reviews of these stories will now be found at our E-Market/Weekly section.***

    Black Gate can be found at www.blackgate.com.

  • Black October
  • Compelling SF

    With the Winter 2017 (Dec.) issue Compelling SF went from its initial bi-monthly schedule to a bi-annual schedule, with issues appearing in June and December. Reviews can now be found by clicking on our Bi-Annual section on the front page.

    Compelling Science Fiction debuted in the Spring of 2016 as a bi-monthly ezine, with an emphasis on hard SF (though not strictly limited to it). It publishes fiction from 1-10,000 words and pays 6 cents per word.

    Publisher/Editor:  Joe Stech

    Website: http://compellingsciencefiction.com/about.html

  • Crimewave
  • Dark Regions
  • Dreams & Visions
  • Electric Velocipede

    As of 2010 Electric Velocipede is scheduled to become a quarterly magazine.

  • Fictitious Force
    It's hard to have more fun legally with your clothes on. The good news: Fictitious Force is low in calories, virtually cholesterol-free, and fine to enjoy in public. The bad news: like a vampire you must invite it to come in to your home. We don't promise it won't bite.

  • Flytrap
    Flytrap, the little zine with teeth. The twice-yearly 'zine from Tropism Press, features fiction, poetry, automatic writing, reviews, essays, and assorted oddities. It's like a wunderkammer, in text form, between cardstock covers.

    Website: www.tropismpress.com/flytrap.html
    Subscriptions: www.tropismpress.com/subscribe.html

    Editors: Tim Pratt & Heather Shaw
  • GrendelSong
    GrendelSong: the fantasy magazine of folklore and mythology is a full-color, bi-annual fantasy 'zine that combines short stories, poetry, and interesting, literary nonfiction articles.

    Senior Editor: Paul Jessup
    Assistant Editor: Rachel Jessup
  • GUD
    GUD, Greatest Uncommon Denominator Magazine, is a print/pdf magazine with 200 pages of literary and genre fiction, poetry, and art.   Published two times a year, we provoke with words and art. We bring you stories that engage. Essays and interviews that make you think harder. Poetry that bares reality, more subtly interprets what it means to be human.

    Editors: Mike Coombes, Sal Coraccio, Kaolin Fire, & Sue Miller
  • Kaleidotrope
    Kaleidotrope is a bi-annual print magazine published in April and October. Its website can be found at http://www.kaleidotrope.net.
  • LCRW
  • Leading Edge
    Leading Edge is a semi-professional magazine dedicated to the presentation of new and upcoming talent. Today the Leading Edge stands as one of the premier small press science fiction and fantasy magazines. Its commitment to the development of authors, poets and artists through a collaborative critiquing process is unchanged.

    Senior Editor: Jason Wallace
    Managing Editor: C. Lee Player
    Associate Editor: Jillena O'Brien
  • Lontar

    Lontar, The Journal of Southeast Asian Speculative Fiction is published bi-annually. It publishes high quality works of less than 10,000 words by award winning authors. Diverse and underrepresented characters and settings are a mainstay of Lontar’s fiction, opening the genre to fresh themes and voices, and introducing readers to the rich culture and atmosphere of Southeast Asia.

    Editor: Jason Erik Lundberg

    Website: http://lontarjournal.com/

  • Lore

    Lore is a bi-annual dark fantasy and horror magazine published in April and September. In April of 2012 it was revived from its previous incarnation after a lengthy hiatus.

    Website: http://www.lore-online.com/index.php/store

  • Midnight Echo

    Midnight Echo is the official magazine of the Australian Horror Writers Association. A bi-annual published at the end of May and November, it can be found at: http://midnightechomagazine.com/

    Executive Editor is Marty Young.

  • New Genre
  • NFG
  • Paradox

    Paradox ceased publication in 2009.

  • Postscripts

    Postscripts is a bi-annual anthology published in the UK. It can be found at:  http://store.pspublishing.co.uk/

    NOTE: For reviews before it switched from a magazine to a bi-annual anthology, click here.

  • Say . . .
  • Space & Time
  • Tales from the Magician's Skull

    Tales from the Magician's Skull is a bi-annual semi-prozine publishing sword & sorcery stories. Its first two issues were published in 2018. It pays 3 cents per word for original fiction and is available in pdf and print formats.

    Editor: Howard Andrew Jones. Website: http://goodman-games.com/store/product-category/tales-from-the-magicians-skull/

  • The Silver Web
  • Trunk Stories
    Trunk Stories is a magazine of literary fantasy, science fiction, and horror as well as nonfiction, and poetry of interest to the speculative fiction audience.

    Editor: William Smith
  • Unfit

    Unfit debuted in August of 2018 and is a new print magazine from Longshot Press, an independent publisher operated by Daniel Scott White. It is the sister publication of Unreal, which specializes in fantasy. Both magazines accept submissions from 500 to 5000 words, paying twelve cents per word for original fiction, one cent per word for nonfiction, and one cent per word for reprints.

    Website: http://unfitmag.com/

  • Unreal

    Unreal debuted in the spring of 2019 and is a new print magazine from Longshot Press, an independent publisher operated by Daniel Scott White. It is the sister publication of Unfit, which specializes in science fiction. Unreal features fantasy, magic realism, and experimental fiction. Both magazines accept submissions from 500 to 5000 words, paying twelve cents per word for original fiction, one cent per word for nonfiction, and one cent per word for reprints.

    Website: http://unrealmag.com/

  • Zahir