“A Passage to Beneris” aired as an episode of Suspense on September 23, 1942. Based on the story by 1933 Pultizer Prize-winning author T. S. Stribling (1881-1965–he won the Pulitzer for his 1932 novel The Store), “A Passage to Beneris” takes place in the Caribbean port city of Port au Spain, Trinidad. It involves a visiting psychologist, one Dr. Poggioli, a murdered bride, a Hindu temple (yes, in the Caribbean!), and features one of the most shocking and surprising endings you are ever likely to come across. “A Passage to Beneris” is taken from a collection of Stribling stories from 1929, Clues of the Caribbees: Being Certain Criminal Investigations of Henry Poggioli, Ph. D.
Listen now to this highly unusual murder mystery–with decidedly genre overtones. A story well calculated to keep you in Suspense!
Play Time: 29:54